We were exhibiting at INDAGRA 2016

Our sales team was exhibiting the variety of UNICHEM´s product lines, such as Plantella, Bio Plantella, Ratimor and Effect Brands. They highlighted the advantages of 100% organic, long-lasting fertilizer in the form of pallets derived from chicken manure - Plantella Organik, Effect products against insects and Ratimor products to control the rodents.

Unichem was exhibiting at EUROTIER 2016

Unichem was presenting its products at the largest exhibition for agriculture and livestock farming - EuroTier 2016, taking place from 15 – 18 November 2016 in Hannover, Germany.

Meeting Pest Control specialists in Seattle

We are still gathering our thoughts and good memories from our last exhibition - PestWorld 2016 that took place at Seattle. More than 1.350 companies brought their products and many visitors found the solutions for their problems.

Srečanje strokovnjaki za zatiranje škodljivcev v Seattlu

Še vedno zbiramo vtise in spomine na našo zadnjo predstavitev na sejmu PestWorld 2016, ki je letos potekal v Seattlu. Svoje izdelke in storitve je predstavilo več kot 1.350 podjetij in množici obiskovalcev ponudilo rešitve za njihove težave.

Everything you need for the healthy growth of your green pets!

Bio Plantella

Natural, efficient, healthy!


User-friendly insecticides for an insect-free home


100 % effectively against insects!

Effect Protect

100 % effective protection against mosquitoes and ticks.


Rat and mouse?
No, thanks!