Special Soil for Citrus Plants

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Plantella Special Soil for Citrus Plants

The Plantella Special Soil for Citrus Plants is a high-quality special substratum for planting and transplanting all types of citrus plants.


  • Contains the best humic turf mixture to satisfy all the basic citrus plant nutrient needs,
  • Provides fast regeneration and root system development
  • The nutrient amount lasts for a month

The Plantella Special Soil for Citrus Plants is a high-quality special substratum for planting and transplanting all types of citrus plants.

Use The Plantella Special Soil for Citrus Plants, a high-quality soil with special nutrient composition, appropriate for all citrus plants. Before planting make drainage out of layers of pebbles or gravel, followed by a layer of Plantella Special Soil for Citrus Plants. Then put the plant into the pot and fill with soil to the top, press down lightly and shake gently. Water, if possible with rainwater. For luscious flowering, yield formation, healthy growth and development transplant the citrus plants every year or every time the pot becomes to small. If that is not possible, remove the upper layer of soil and replace with a new substratum. The best time to transplant is in spring time. Strew the Plantella decorative pine bark or sand to prevent soil clamping, water evaporation and moss formation.
Additional fertilizing: The Plantella Special Soil for Citrus Plants contains enough nutrients for 3-4 weeks, after that fertilize regularly with the suitable special fertilizers for citruses or with fertilizers of organic origin Bio Plantella Vrt.

  1. JAN
  2. FEB
  3. MAR
  4. APR
  5. MAY
  6. JUN
  7. JUL
  8. AUG
  9. SEP
  10. OCT
  11. NOV
  12. DEC


Product Plantella Special Soil for Citrus Plants 5 L
UPC/EAN code 3830050602117
Net weight in kg 1,95
Gross weight in kg 2
Product shape oval
Storage regime room temperature
Expiration date 1825
Packaging mode bag
Nr. of layers per pallet 30

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