Natural product for strengthening of fruit vegetables

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Bio Plantella Vital for Tomatoes

Natural product on the basis of field / common horsetail that strengthens tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, zucchini and other types of fruit vegetables.


  • field / common horsetail is extremely rich in silicium, calcium and other minerals and vitamins
  • strengthens plant cell walls and thereby helps prevent the entry of the disease into the plant resulting in raised plant resistance
  • promotes healthy growth of tomatoes and fruit vegetables 
  •  handy packaging


500 ml

  1. JAN
  2. FEB
  3. MAR
  4. APR
  5. MAY
  6. JUN
  7. JUL
  8. AUG
  9. SEP
  10. OCT
  11. NOV
  12. DEC

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