Brodifacoum Soft Bait

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Ratimor Brodifacoum Soft Bait

The most palatable ready-to-use rodenticide for mice and rats.


  • highly effective in small doses (Single Feed)
  • added oils & fats make Ratimor Brodifacoum soft bait moist and juicy for a long time
  • added stabilizing agents prevent oxidation
  • especially suitable for situations when the rodents' natural food is available
  • highly effective due to delayed action
  • contains bitter aversive agent

Rodenticide for mice and rats. The most palatable ready-to-use bait formulation. Rodents keep returning to feed on the bait so Ratimor Brodifacoum soft bait is 100% effective.

150 g

Active ingredients:


  • Mice: 10 to 20 g every 2 – 5 m;
  • Rats: 10 to 60 g every 5 – 10 m
  1. JAN
  2. FEB
  3. MAR
  4. APR
  5. MAY
  6. JUN
  7. JUL
  8. AUG
  9. SEP
  10. OCT
  11. NOV
  12. DEC

Everything you need for the healthy growth of your green pets!

Bio Plantella

Natural, efficient, healthy!


User-friendly insecticides for an insect-free home


100 % effectively against insects!

Effect Protect

100 % effective protection against mosquitoes and ticks.


Rat and mouse?
No, thanks!