Premium Soil for Ornamental Plants

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Plantella Premium for Ornamental Plants

High-quality special soil with the best humic turf and added long-lasting nutrients and Bio-culta vegetable fiber for planting and transplanting all types of ornamental plants.


  • Contains the best humic turf, rich with nutrients and humus that satisfy all the basic plant nutrient needs,
  • Contains high levels of organic matter and all the necessary mineral main and micronutrients,
  • Improves soil structure and activity,
  • Provides a high water retention rate, prevents leakage of existing and added nutrients and decreases the use of chemical products for plant care
  • Increases the share of organic and mineral matter in the soil.

Description: The special soil contains Bio Culta® vegetable fiber, prepared with a new, special procedure that is only found in this soil. The mixture of wood fiber and humic turf provides ideal conditions for good plant growth and development, as it creates an appealing soil structure with an excellent air and water regime.

Use: The special soil for all types of house, balcony and garden ornamental plants, enriched with the bioactive clay and Bio Culta® vegetable fiber is used with every planting and transplanting. Commence with appropriate fertilizing 4-6 weeks after transplanting.

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Product Plantella Special Soil for Ornamental Plants 5 L Plantella Special Soil for Ornamental Plants 10 L Plantella Special Soil for Ornamental Plants 20 L Plantella Special Soil for Ornamental Plants 50 L
UPC/EAN code 3830001591699 3830001591682 3830001591675 3830001591668
Net weight in kg 2,62 4,22 7,9 20,1
Gross weight in kg 2,62 4,22 7,9 20,1
Product shape oval oval oval oval
Storage regime room temperature room temperature room temperature room temperature
Expiration date 1825 1825 1825 1825
Packaging mode bag bag bag bag
Nr. of layers per pallet 20 30 20 17

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