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Universal Liquid Fertilizer

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Plantella Universal Liquid Fertilizer

Liquid fertilizer with carefully chosen main and micronutrients for optimal growth and abundant flowering of all types of plants.


  • fertilizer in liquid form is suitable for application through leaves (spraying) or roots (watering)
  • for indoor and balcony plants
  • simple dosage with bottle cup in a form of a measuring cup

15 ml / 2 l of water

7-5-6 + micronutrients

500 ml, 1 l

  1. JAN
  2. FEB
  3. MAR
  4. APR
  5. MAY
  6. JUN
  7. JUL
  8. AUG
  9. SEP
  10. OCT
  11. NOV
  12. DEC